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 News Archive 2018

Folks used the Dear Professor Ford hashtag
to show their support to Christine Ford
by Nathan'ette Burdine: September 22, 2018

Before Dr. Christine Ford and her lawyers agreed that she will testify on September 27, 2018, about allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Judicial Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, several folks took to the Twitter to show their support for her.

There were, however, some folks who were like, “Eh, we sticking with Brett.”

I know! I know! I know! But I have to show what both sides are thinking. Otherwise, folks won’t know what the other side is thinking.

Having said that, there are more people than not who are supporting Dr. Ford, letting her know that she is not alone during this process and that they are willing to stand with her.

So, go on and check out the #DearProfessorFord tweets, even the salty ones, which are listed down below.

Oh yeah, I believe Dr. Ford and not the dude with the football shape head.

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